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What makes Smart Slider unique?

Next generation visual editor to create responsive animated sliders and blocks.

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What makes Smart Slider unique?

Choose the slide you like from a huge collection. Fresh design, with harmonious typography.

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What makes Smart Slider unique?

Experience flexibility & variability that allows you to create beautiful slides.

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Orion Theme – Full Page Slider Example

Smart Slider 3 has always been a great tool to create responsive full page sliders. These full page sliders take up the entire viewport on every device, even tablet and mobile. And the new content builder mode makes them look even more fantastic on all of them. What is even better, there are more than 100 new slide templates for you to use. These slide templates are available from the Slide Library. The library introduces the first theme kit, Orion. Each Orion template looks modern and responsive, and has a dark and light version.

Create blurred background images

Smart Slider 3.2 has lots of new big features, but there are small and useful things as well. For example, from now on it’s possible to blur the slide background images without an image editor. This great feature is working on every background image, in every slider type. Why is a blurred image good for you? A blurred image is a modern approach of showing background images. It also increases the contrast between the background and foreground, which makes the text more legible.

Would you like to see the possibilities of the amazing Slide Library for yourself? Try it here or update your Smart Slider 3 and enjoy the new Slide Library on your site.

Related Post: What is a Full Page Slider and How to Use it?